Gravity Shift Progress - 1/24

On Monday, January 24, 2011 0 comments

Ok, since the 19th, I have added:

-Progressing levels(You can move to the next level after beating the level without having to go to the selection menu)
-Unlocking levels after you beat the level before
-Prepared the code for future high scores and other planned details
-Modded with the level editor for easier level creation(also fixed some small bugs in the code)
-Got the game on the Xbox...This took a long time, due to some conflicts with certain files in the code I guess. Anyway, it works after making a new project and copying the files over and modifying specific preferences. I went through our code and made some changes to help the transition between the 2 easier, code-wise(things like casting lists of objects from a child class to its parent class is not allowed on Xbox but allowed on the PC). I might figure out a way to throw the Xbox stuff on a separate branch in Git. Anyway, it worked without any speed hiccups but had some layout and audio issues that we are working to resolve.
-Worked on the physics engine with curtis. We talked about a way to prioritize collisions so that immediate action collisions don't disregard sound rules like, rails should always stay on their track. We didn't write much code on it, but I wrote out what I think is a pretty decent algorithm and he was supposed to implement it. We'll see how that goes.


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