Gravity Shift Progress - 3/30

On Wednesday, March 30, 2011 0 comments

I've really fallen behind here. I'm actually kind of upset to realize that I've only been sprinkling on what I've done for this semester, when I know I've been pounding out features pretty consistently. More and more I realize that I don't like to write, so writing out what I've done always weighs pretty heavily on me, and so avoiding it has been easier than trying to find the time. I do want something that I can go back and look at and be proud to see my progress of things, as well as future employeers(probably more important actually), so I'm going to try to recap previous progress:

Since February, the biggest thing that has gotten done is the level selector. As briefly mentioned in the previous post, I was rewriting this and got something that looked and worked well, but there was still some confusion with the system, as it isn't fully apparent to the user that there is more worlds available. Because of this, for the 3rd time, we are going to rewrite it, but this time I don't think it will take a full rewrite(thank goodness). We are going to move all the worlds onto one page and have their levels in their own personal sections. Here's a picture to demonstrate:

I think this is a very good move, as it keeps everything available and utilizes the free space very well.

Also, we've made a trailer of our game which me and Nate worked on together. This can be found here:

I've worked on some audio that has become the official sounds effects. I've also created a program that made creating a level list easy. The loading and saving of the game has become more graceful, but still needs work(Some levels lock for a second before loading which is against the rules). We've been working on a lot of problems that are required to work to be released on xbox live, which I was involved in fixing some of them. Mostly, at this point, there has just been a lot of tuning. According to the App Hub forum, we are doing very well. There is about 8 people who have posted after playtesting, with mostly positive and good feedback. We look forward to getting our game out on the actual market.


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