Mr. Gravity Porting Progress Week 1
On Saturday, June 7, 2014
First Run of Mr. Gravity on my tablet :D
Screen shot of the very very first successful run of Mr Gravity on my phone
The game was written for TV's, which is why this is not displaying correctly
Issues that I've found so far.
- Sound does not play. I've corrected the background music by running the content through MonoGame's Content pipeline and defining it as Music content rather then sound effects.
- There is a collision detection issue that is found on any wall that is convex in a level(See Picture)
- Images are coming out extremely weird. Not all, but as you can see with Mr. Gravity in this picture, he has really thick lines, that make him look really bad. Our neon lettering in our menus are really really awful. Not sure why it would do something like that.. Almost all the level content comes out perfect, except for these handful of content.
- There is a huge need for code refactoring. There were a lot of good ideas that didn't get polished, and it hurts the codes performance and makes it very difficult to read. A huge example of a refactor need that hurts perfomance is the content loader. We load stuff everywhere!! Half the files we are loading already exist in memory somewhere, and doesn't need to be read in again. My first effort to refactor the content is with music. It's now loaded in a music collection, and loads once, but only if it's needed(so it now doesn't load 10 music files right at startup)
- Of course, controls are bonkers right now. I wrote a nice little swipe gesture, and am working on motion controls. I refractored the entire control system, allowing for multiple control schemes at one time, but not requiring any number of control schemes. The game will check for what it can use, and make it possible. I also was able to take out the isXPressed, isAPressed, isShoulderPressed, etc, now that they have no meaning. Even if we went back to Xbox, the new structure is much better
At this point, this is all I can think of. The game is working surprisingly well...Like way better then I ever expected for a game that came from an Xbox 360, written by a handful of college students who didn't know fully what they were doing. We wrote some solid code, considering the fact :D