Gravity Shift Progress - Friday 9/17

On Friday, September 17, 2010 0 comments

I spent some time on a couple things: First and most important was the addition of levels that fully scroll around. This means we are no longer restricted to having a level that is just constructed for what is initially on the screen. This includes parallax scrolling as well, for a 2.5D feel. I also added a gravity direction HUD, that replaced our big background arrow that we had. This is something we talked about yesterday, so I'm glad it went in so easily.

I also worked on my physics engine(the one we aren't using) and it is working now. It doesn't respond correctly to the ground, but the physics in the air is much better than the one we are using and is easily customizable. I tested some changes like higher gravity magnitude in certain direction or all directions, changes in terminal speeds, and changes in gravity erosion factors. This is still a proof of concept, so I won't put a ton of time in it, but we may be able to use some of the concepts for our final pitch.

I plan on making a new type of tile called "Deadly" so that we can add traps into our maps, allowing us to create challenges for the player, making it a true prototype of what we want to make.


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