Gravity Shift Progress - Catch up(10/1 - 10/6)

On Wednesday, October 6, 2010 0 comments

So I haven't updated my blog this week which is a big oops because I have actually done quite a bit over the weekend, so this will actually go over both the progress I've made between Thursday(10/1) to Tuesday(10/4) and the progress made between Tuesday(10/4) to Thursday(10/7).

Thursday(10/1) to Tuesday(10/4):

Sat down with the code again. The problem with the original physics engine prototype is that if I were to add 10 physics object into the environment, they should all react exactly the same in that environment. So I restructured a bunch of the PhysicsObject code, and have made a new PhysicsEnvironment code that gets passed to the PhysicsObject as a reference. Now, if the player changes values in the PhysicsEnvironment, then any other PhysicsObject that has that same environment will also experience the change. This method may be subject to change(maybe PhysicsEnvironment 's own all PhysicsObjects that are within it, and update each object every time the game updates).

During class: We brainstormed what needs to go on our backlog, which I think came out fairly well. The list is being managed by Curtis(Scrum Master), and we also talked about a very important aspect of keeping things together; Source Control. We decided to use Git, which I was actually the only member who has used Git. I managed to convince everyone on it, and our tasks to do by Thursday is to learn the system.

This morning (Wednesday 10/5) I wrote a tutorial for everyone on how to get Git up and running, and how to use it. Link is here:


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