Gravity Shift Progress - Tuesday 10/26
Several things have happened.
First we've made some major progress on git. Casey, Nate, and Jeremy have both been able to push updates to the game(nothing major, yet), and all have said that its easier than it seems(which is how I feel too). This gave me an opportunity on learning how to merge the code, as well as resetting the HEAD of the current branch, along with editing remote branches(I feel these are all important for someone who is running the entire system).
On top of this, I wrote a design doc that further defines our level editor from the original definitions. This can be found here:
Me and Nate have started with writing the code, and have defined a Level(integrated with the Editor Interface that I mentioned in the doc), and an Entity. This is all minus the ability to import and export, as that is still up in the air on agreement with the group.
More on this later.